COVID-19 Response

At Sagewood, the health and well-being of residents and team members is our highest priority at all times. We continue to take proper prevention and preparedness steps related to COVID-19. What is Sagewood doing to prepare for any incidence of COVID-19?  We know that...

Opening Up Our Community

Federal and state governments are releasing plans to reopen the economy to essential business. While this is an encouraging sign to our country’s response to COVID-19, please know this process will be taken thoughtfully at Sagewood. We will implement a three-phased...


After careful consideration for the health and safety of residents, employees, and family members, our community amended its visitor policy on Monday, March 16, and is restricting visitors from entering our community. Please bookmark the LCS website for future updates...

COVID-19 Update

Hello Sagewood community, The health and safety of residents living in our community is our top priority, and we are closely monitoring the ongoing situation regarding the coronavirus (COVD-19). We understand that COVID-19 is on everyone’s mind, and we want to be...